AGM and mini-symposium
Wednesday 13 November, 11 am (AEDT) / 1 pm (NZDT)
Join us for the 2024 ANZSEV AGM, featuring an introduction to the ANZSEV executive committee for 2024-2026 and an exciting research showcase from two international speakers.
Register here by November 12 to receive a link to the meeting.
Times are given in Australian Eastern Daylight Time - please be sure to check your time zone and add the calendar event when you register.
Sonia Melo is a Medical Doctor-Scientist who acts as Principal Investigator at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S) in Porto, Portugal. Her research focuses on exosome biology, pancreatic cancer, and developing in vivo models of disease. With postdoctoral training as an EMBO and Human Frontiers Fellow at Harvard Medical School and MD Anderson Cancer Center, her work made significant contributions to exosomes research.
Her group has pioneered work in collaboration on the role of cancer exosomes in disease progression, exploring their potential as therapeutic delivery vehicles in pancreatic cancer. They described the intra-tumor communication network (EVNet) in pancreatic cancer, identifying Agrin in cancer stem cell EVs as a key regulator of tumor growth (Gut 2022). Their most recent work (Nature Communications 2024), revealed the spatiotemporal biodistribution of CD63+ exosomes using a novel genetically engineered reporter mouse model, highlighting their local and distant communication within the tumor microenvironment.
Through this research, they aim to advance the understanding of cancer biology and develop novel therapeutic strategies to improve patient outcomes.
Dr. Li Liao is the professor and the Vice-Director of the Engineering Research Center of Oral Translational Medicine at Sichuan University. His research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of the senescence of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) and BMSC-based therapeutic strategies for osteoporosis. he discovered that extracellular vesicles derived from BMSCs or skeletal muscle play a critical role in the remodeling and regeneration of bone and established strategies based on extracellular vesicles for the treatment of degenerative bone diseases.
He has published 50 SCI articles as the first author or corresponding author in international academic journals, including Cell Metabolism, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, and Stem Cells, et al, in recent years. His articles have been cited more than 3,000 times. He was elected to the Committee of the Association of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine in China and the Young Committee of the Orthopaedic Association of the Chinese Medical Association.
David Greening (President), Cherie Blenkiron (Secretary), Kirsty Danielson (Treasurer), Jason Howitt, Ivan Poon, Caroline Reddel, Soumyalekshmi Nair (ECR Representative)
NOTE: This event is FREE of charge to everyone courtesy of ANZSEV.